हमारे गाव में हम ही सरकार (in Hindi)

मेंढ़ा-लेखा ... विकल्पहीन होती जा रही दुनिया में विकल्प और उम्मीद की किरण बनकर सामने आया है।

Let’s salute those who are doing something positive

It was a meeting ... of people who were doing something positive rather than merely cribbing about the state of the world.

Lifting the curse of child malnutrition from Bidar

Of the 96 children that were identified as Severely Acutely Malnourished in July 2013, 61 have become normal...

Much to learn from Tribals

Tribal farming systems, based on the wisdom and experiences of several generations, are well-adapted to local conditions and constraints.

The untold Poorna story

The power of pro-poor policies was demonstrated when 13-year-old Malavath Poorna, a tribal girl from Telengana, summitted Mount Everest last May.

The Niyamgiri Movement as a Landmark of Democratic Process

‘The mountain is not the Government’s to sell’, as many Dongria have asserted.

Link biodiversity with the Pleasures of Food

What do Global Agrobiodiversity Hotspots have to do with Indigenous People?

Meghalaya: Sparks of Hope

Two villages in Meghalaya revive their farming traditions, conserving biodiversity and securing their livelihoods.

The Rich Diversity of Forest Foods

"There are an estimated 80,000 edible plant species on earth", says the ‘Gaia Atlas of Planet Management’