Improving Income through Tassar cultivation

One has to understand the bounties of nature in order to harness it to improve their lives.

झारखंड में हथकरघा क्रांति (in Hindi)

आदिवासी चित्रकला को सामने लाया जा रहा है। बेंत और बांस के सामान बनाए जा रहे हैं। लुप्त होते हाथ के हुनर को फिर से सशक्त किया जा रहा है।

Sherdukpen: finding a recipe to fit the future

Enthusiastic bands of young people from this small tribal community in Arunachal Pradesh are trying to ind their future to their traditional roots

Offering Learning Experiences to Children

Training is given in such a way as to develop varied talents – be it music, painting, dance, farming or martial art.

भूख का साथी है जंगल (in Hindi)

धरती माता को हम पूजते हैं। कंद, मूल, फल, मशरूम, बांस करील और कई प्रकार की हरी भाजी हमें जंगल से मिलती है। (On Odisha's Forest Food)

Solar Panels and Solidarity

The adivasi women of Edamalakudi, Kerala’s remotest panchayat, have helped light up their villages with solar power!

Debating rice in the forest of learning

A brilliant school in Tamil Nadu, free for Adivasis and Dalits, but denied state recognition

Dayamani Barla: a tribal’s tale of struggle and why she can’t stop

The Munda tribal's life and mission, which reflects courage, inspiration, a continuing struggle and hope for a better future, in her own words.

Ladakh Diary: Changing Climate

“He who experiences the unity of life sees his own self in all beings, and all beings in his own self.” - Buddha