In the sculptures of these two artists, you can see the burning tragedy of Bastar

Shantibai and Rajkumar’s works are testimonies to the plight of a people caught in a crossfire.

Rikhiyaasan Rath: Capturing History and Identity

"Rikhiyaasan Rath" brings the ancestral past of the Rikhiyaasan (Musahar) community into the forefront. Created by girls of the community.

Tribal women corner the market on India’s heat-hardy black goats

The goat-selling cooperative, created by a coalition of women's self-help groups serves 192 tribal villages.

Videos for Vikalp Sangam, by Video Volunteers

Short videos by community members on alternative initiatives that attempt to integrate ecological sustainability, economic democracy, social justice, cultural diversity and democratic governance.

अलीराजपुर में कैशलेस जीवन की झलकियाँ (in Hindi)

आदिवासी गाॅवों में हमने चौदह वर्ष लगभग कैशलेस तरीके से बिताये। सच में बिना कैश के। चूल्हा भी औरतें खुद ही बना लेती थीं। खाना हाथ से ही होता था।

आदिवासी जानते हैं स्वाद और पौष्टिकता (in Hindi)

१० महीने की जरूरतें खेत से पूरी हो जाती हैं, २ माह का गुजारा जंगल से हो जाता है.

Adivasis in the Bastar conflict zone are spearheading a massive conservation effort

It is heartening that despite prevailing conflicts, Adivasi people of Bastar care for their own forests and are helping other states enrich theirs.

Maharashtra Village Women Take Charge of Ration Shops, Ensure Fair Prices & Food for All

Women in Korchi village of Maharashtra run a ration shop to ensure that their family members are getting nutritious food throughout the year.

Roof top Water Harvesting Structure: A Source of Income with Nutrition

Chandradev understands that even a small parcel of land can be a resource if managed well.