
Environmental conservation and sustainability, respecting ecological integrity and limits

The search for dignified, ecologically sustainable and meaningful livelihoods and jobs is featured in this section. This includes the continuation and enhancement of fulfilling traditional occupations that communities choose to continue, including in agriculture, pastoralism, forestry, fisheries, crafts, and others in the primary economy. It also includes sustainable, dignified jobs in manufacturing and service sectors where producers and service-providers are in control of their destinies and revenues are equitably distributed.

सतपुड़ा में किसानी से जुड़ा है मड़ई मेला (In Hindi)

मड़ई मेला संस्कृति आपस में जोड़ती हैं, एक दूसरे की मदद करने की परंपराएं सिखाती हैं। यह खेती-किसानी से भी जुड़ी है।

Can mahua seeds provide Adivasis a reliable livelihood? 

Mahua seed harvesting practices of the tribals are non-invasive & can promote conservation.

Decoding Politics: Of, in, about Food

A woman farmer teaching the politics of food to city-based college students and village-based organic farmers.

Sowing Seeds of Ecocentrism

Journey of Jeewika as she sets up safe spaces to converse about wellness, food, societal constructs and the world within.  

The Commons of Dantewada

Building a resilient and self-reliant community in Dantewada by connecting organic farmers to markets.

Learning the Organic Way

Leading the youth and children of the village in reviving the land for increased self-reliance.

Gramani: A Place Filled with Art and Humanity

Gramani is a cultural hub where Shaji's activities that combine art, education and rural life add to the nuances of the community.

पर्यावरण संवर्धक मत्स्यपालन (In Marathi)

तलावांचे पुनरुज्जीवन करणाऱ्या आणि समुदायांना सशक्त करणाऱ्या उपक्रमाविषयीची कथा

मछली पालन और बदलाव (In Hindi)

एक पहल के बारे में एक कहानी जो झीलों को पुनर्जीवित करती है और समुदायों को सशक्त बनाती है