Learning and Education

Learning processes focusing on ethics, sustainability, equity, and well-being

This section features stories of initiatives to create spaces and opportunities for learning and education that enable continued or renewed connection with the environment and nature, with one’s community, and with humanity as a whole. These are stories of efforts to nurture a fuller range of collective and individual potentials and relationships, stories of unlearning the alienating, individualizing ‘education’ that mainstream institutions have been giving, stories where the formal and the informal, the traditional and modern, the local and global, are synergized. Initiatives ensuring accountability of the state’s responsibility towards citizens in education would also be covered.

Teaching Them Young: This Not-For-Profit Organization In Delhi Offers ‘Farm-Based’ Learning For Children

Integrating farming and composting with the existing learning method, at the school level, to provide a productive and work-based pedagogical approach to children.

Lessons India Should Learn From Odisha’s Leprosy Colony on Using Public Spaces To Fight Stigma

Initiatives to create inclusive public spaces, addressing the specific needs of young children and caregivers in leprosy-affected communities.

A manifesto for justice

People’s movements and civil society organizations have to continue promoting changes through advocacy for policy shifts and ground action by and with communities.

केरल में उम्मीद का संगम (In Hindi)

विकल्प संगम एक साझा मंच है, जिसमें आपस में जोड़ने, गठजोड़ बनाने, एक-दूसरे सीखने व वैकल्पिक रास्ते तलाशने की कोशिश की जाती है.

A School of One’s Own 

Manzil Learning Center is reimagining education and accessibility through democratizing decision making spaces.

क्या प्रकृति समताकारी शिक्षण के लिए सही जगह हो सकती है? (In Hindi)

यह देखने में आया है कि प्रकृति आधारित शिक्षण परम्परागत कक्षा शिक्षण की तुलना में कहीं ज़्यादा कारगर है।


The Manifesto, aimed at political parties, government agencies, and civil society organisations and movements at various levels, lists key strategies and actions that need to be taken for just living conditions.

Yusuf Meherally Centre: Fostering the Rural in an Urbanizing India

“We learned this from our mistakes. If you just work for one section, say Adivasis,  then there is a risk of antagonizing the non-Adivasi population living in the same area”, says G.G Parikh.

याराना ए सरमोली (In Hindi)

हिमल कलासूत्र उत्सव प्रकृति से दोस्ती और पक्षियों से पहचान की एक शानदार पहल रही.