Learning and Education

Learning processes focusing on ethics, sustainability, equity, and well-being

This section features stories of initiatives to create spaces and opportunities for learning and education that enable continued or renewed connection with the environment and nature, with one’s community, and with humanity as a whole. These are stories of efforts to nurture a fuller range of collective and individual potentials and relationships, stories of unlearning the alienating, individualizing ‘education’ that mainstream institutions have been giving, stories where the formal and the informal, the traditional and modern, the local and global, are synergized. Initiatives ensuring accountability of the state’s responsibility towards citizens in education would also be covered.

Grandmother of the jungle: This Kerala tribal woman can prepare 500 medicines from memory

Hundreds trek to the forests in Thiruvananthapuram district to get treated by Lakshmikutty who offers herbal treatment for poisoning

Schooling for Curiosity

To remain inclusive, the school allows families to pay whatever fee they can afford and finds sponsors to pitch in with the rest

Same-sex attraction is OK, boys can cry, girl’s no means no

The resource kit for educators of adolescents treats the issue of same-sex attraction with unusual maturity and talks about contraception...

Made in India: World’s first full atlas for the blind

The atlas has been prepared not only in English but also in Bengali, Gujarati and Telugu.

भारत में तैयार हुआ विश्व का पहला नेत्रहीनों के लिए पूर्ण एटलस (in Hindi)

अब पहली बार नेत्रहीन लोग किसी नक्शे को छूकर पढ़ सकते हैं। एटलस अंग्रेजी, बंगाली, गुजराती और तेलुगू में भी तैयार किया गया है।

Udaan: wings to the mind

Learning happens through play, songs, conversations, games, and storytelling sessions.

Magic in the desert and New Year

What was this world where we could be ourselves, sauntering around in night suits and unkempt looks without getting a second stare?

Learning from the land: a Kerala school’s emphasis on nature

Students walk bare-foot on the red, loamy soil, amid peacocks and rabbits. They harvest organic fruits and vegetables such as mangoes, pumpkin, guavas, and jackfruit.

मेरी अभिव्यक्ति – My Learning in and through Theatre (in Hindi)

थिएटर की दुनिया में एक अलग तरह की आज़ादी है जहाँ मैं खुल के जी पाता हूँ, अपनी सोच रचनात्मकता तरह से दुसरो के सामने रख पाता हूँ, बे झिझक सवाल पूछ सकता हूँ