Knowledge and Media

Knowledge and media as empowering and enabling tools for equity and sustainability

This section features stories of use of knowledge as an empowering and enabling tool for a more equitable and ecologically sustainable world. This includes: Initiatives that encourage cross-fertilisation between ideas, promotes information exchange and transcends boundaries between modern and traditional, formal and informal, and urban and rural spheres of knowledge; Initiatives that make information access free, or easier in places usually neglected, considered ‘remote’ or disconnected; Initiatives to make knowledge part of the ‘commons’ rather than a commodity, privately owned or controlled; Also initiatives that promote an alternative media that raises questions ignored or deliberately allowed to remain hidden in the mainstream media, and innovative use of media to communicate enabling information.

The Man Who Is Using Cameras To Revolutionize Agriculture In India

Farmers become video filmmakers, which is turning them into more productive farmers and more confident human beings.

People’s Archive of Rural India

Both a living journal and an archive aimed at recording the everyday lives of everyday people.

Radio women of Patara wins Unesco award

"I talk to Saharians in their own language about their village, livelihood, food etc. and broadcast them through Radio Dhadkan," says Ramvati.

Shubhranshu Choudhary: Giving a Voice to a Ravaged, Neglected Region

When the India-born BBC reporter went to cover conflict on his home turf, he realized that journalists were getting it wrong. The locals needed to tell the stories themselves.

Mapping Mapusa Market

Mapping Mapusa Market is an inquisitive exploration into how a contemporary Indian market can be creatively mapped through art.

Knowledge & Media: Alternative Products

Resources Home Resources for Knowledge & Media: Alternative Products & Products The portal  offers packages…

Knowledge & Media: Networks

Resources Home Resources for Knowledge & Media: Networks In almost three years of deployment in India,…

Knowledge & Media: Tools

Resources Home Resources for Knowledge & Media: Tools Abhivyakti Media for Development offers training courses in…

Knowledge & Media: Websites

Resources Home  Knowledge & Media: Websites Gram Vaani built a news-over-phone citizen journalism service that in…