Economics and Technologies

Community-based alternatives for production, consumption, and exchange

This section features stories of initiatives that help to create an alternative to the dominant neo-liberal or state-dominated economy. These include: localisation of economic activity with democratic control, producer and consumer collectives, local currencies and trade, non-monetised exchage and the gift economy, ecologically sensitive products and processes, macro-economic concepts that respect ecological limits, and approaches to human well-being that go beyond growth, GDP and other narrow measures and indicators.

What we do not feature are superficial and false solutions, such as market and technological fixes for problems that are deeply social and political, or more generally, ‘green growth’ kind of approaches that only tinker around with the existing system.

The Art of Getting by – COVID-19 and Self-reliance

How a spontaneous switch to a barter economy saved a little hamlet in the Sundarbans during lockdown

Two young women in Nagaland are leading a crusade against e-waste

They want to expand to other districts in Nagaland and also collaborate with others from the northeastern region.

Redefining India’s development on Gandhi’s ‘swaraj’ path

Self-sufficiency in the economy involves reduction in the distance between production and consumption to a minimum.

Ranchi shows how India’s biggest cycling lessons lie in its smaller cities

Ranchi has taken critical and innovative steps that can be adopted locally by the bigger cities that are looking at turning to cycling for transport.

देशज् तकनीक से बना मिट्टी का घर (in Hindi)

स्थानीय मिट्टी, पानी और लकड़ी से बना घर बहुत उपयोगी है। इससे सैकड़ों बेघर लोगों के मकान का सपना साकार हो सकता है।

Balkrishna Doshi honoured with the Royal Gold Medal 2022, the world’s highest honour for architecture

Despite the availability of divergent technology, he remained closely connected with the local climate, and new and old crafts in the 20th century.

In Maharashtra’s Drought-Prone District, a ‘Goat Bank’ Is Making Women Financially Secure

"More than her capacity to pay back, we are looking for a long-term commitment to continue the project work,”

From December, a weekly market in Mumbai exclusively for organic produce

Many farmers have veered away from organic farming, and to bring them back, one needs an assured market.

रासायनिक खेती के गढ़ हरियाणा में किसानों को जैविक खेती से मिली गेहूं की ज्यादा पैदावार : सर्वे (in Hindi)

रबी 2020 में हरियाणा के आत्मनिर्भर जैविक खेती करने वाले किसानों में 45 फीसदी किसानों को गेहूं की पैदावार रासायनिक खेती की औसत पैदावार से ज्यादा मिली।