women peasants
TEDx Talk on Vikalp Sangam

An environmentalist inspires us to think and plan for the future, to focus on the positives, on the solutions, for a better life. He inspires us to dream.

Turmeric team led by Saioo of Meghalaya

She has pushed for policy advocacy, implementation of schemes and marketing of Lakadong turmeric.

Seed guardians of Banswara revive traditional varieties

Preserving traditional seeds is intrinsically linked to food security and livelihoods of families of farming communities.

Farmers or corporates: Who benefits from Andhra Pradesh’s natural farming project?

"Alternative narratives at a scale that the farmer community can understand, control and adopt are already available."

This NGO Recycles Old Clothes & Provides Free Cloth Pads To Tribal Women

Each cloth pad takes up around half a meter of material and needs to be disposed of in six months.

How an army of women in Vellore resurrected a river that once served as their lifeline

A small team of women build 600 wells to revive a dead river!

Amid hype for superfoods, Indian tribals save nearly-extinct crops

They produced 6,700 kg of 722 landraces of rice, cereals, pulses, oilseeds and established 27 in-situ centers in the 92 villages

महिला किसानों का संगम रेडियो (in Hindi)

यह महिलाओं की आवाज है। वे इसे चलाती हैं, वे ही इसकी मालिक हैं। उनके सशक्तीकरण का अच्छा उदाहरण है।

‘Study needed on millet inclusion under PDS’

Deccan Development Society is moving from food security to nutritional security, and millet farmers will play a key role in this process.