traditional agricultural techniques
1420 Varieties, 25 Years: Meet the Man Rescuing India’s Rice Diversity From Extinction

"We go the extra mile so that the farmer who takes these seeds takes home the same variety that I conserved 25 years ago. "

Drought-resistant crops in focus at monsoon seed festival

The festival has brought 32 seed saver groups from across Karnataka State together

Reviving indigenous seeds: A silent revolution in India’s rice growing states

The silent seed revolution has only begun, and Nel Jayaraman’s efforts in Tamil Nadu have triggered many seed festivals across Tamil Nadu.

Combating Desertification: Maharashtra’s Vanvadi Bears Testimony to Magic of Forest Regeneration

Regenerating forests, rejuvenating soils, recharging groundwater, and reviving human spirits, all go hand in hand!

आदिवासियों के पौष्टिक अनाजों की खेती (in Hindi)

यह पौष्टिक अनाज लोगों को पोषणयुक्त भोजन देंगे। मिट्टी पानी के संरक्षण वाली देसी खेती बचेगी, लुप्त हो रहे देसी बीज बचेंगे, छत्तीसगढ़ की कृषि संस्कृति बचेगी, खाद्य सुरक्षा होगी।

Call to promote desi seed

Only millet varieties and desi seed could adapt to climate change and enable farmers address climate change.

समता, न्याय और सातत्यता की तरफ भारत: एक जन घोषणापत्र – फरवरी, 2019 (in Hindi)

आगामी राष्ट्रीय चुनावों के संबंध में राजनीतिक दलों को भेजा गया ...

Seed guardians of Banswara revive traditional varieties

Preserving traditional seeds is intrinsically linked to food security and livelihoods of families of farming communities.

People’s Manifesto For a Just, Equitable, and Sustainable India (2019)

Sent to political parties in relation to the upcoming national elections...