responsible governance
Do the youth of the mountains matter?

The social aspirations of young people across caste, class and gender want a future that is socially and environmentally sustainable and also equal

मजदूरों के संघर्ष ने बोये उम्मीद के बीज (in Hindi)

जो ग्रामीण रोजगार के काम हो रहे हैं, जनता के समक्ष पूरी जानकारी रखी जाए - यहीं से सूचना के अधिकार की शुरूआत हुई।

The Newtons of Gadchiroli: tribals rise to power in local body polls

The battle these elected representatives are waging against indiscriminate mining, and for tribal rights ...

Avoiding Airpocalypse: It’s Time to Move Beyond Quick Fixes and Tackle the Root Cause of Crisis

The fixation on economic growth indicators has blinded our decision-makers to the enormous social and ecological damage such growth causes.

Listen, the revolution blooms in silence

A timely and evocative missive from a monthly workers’ newspaper distributed widely in the industrial belt around Delhi.

I Will NOT Remain Silent…

We need to speak up, to write, to educate, to challenge and debate the idea of India, to remind our future generations of the Constitution of India, continually and with the largest possible outreach

A city is for all its citizens

Public institutions must be held to their core promise: to build cities whose horizons are defined by the equality of opportunity for all

The adventures of the perspectives

The bats of oppression were initially winning, but slowly the bystanders got involved. They scooped up the literature and hurled it at the trio.

Haryana gets its first village secretariat in Jind

Each village of Haryana will soon have its own secretariat which will ensure people get better access to various government schemes.