Ecological Democracy
Colonisers and colonized

Living in a non-colonising way; resistance coupled with alternatives, often conceived of as prefigurative politics, can indeed lead to justice, equity, and sustainability.

DLRC, The Learning Farm!

Come together, rethink and take charge of our education, and become kind and active members of the world.

Is the Environment for Taking From or for Giving To? A Young Indigenous Economist Finds Answers in His Own Culture

Alienating Nanda-Gaoli people from forests has been detrimental not only for livestock (but also for) the environment

Reimagining Wellbeing: Villages opening spaces for Self-Governance

resisting mining ... and moving towards social, political, economic and ecological transformation

Videos – Environment Session of Janta Parliament, 18 August 2020

Organised by several dozen networks and organisations of people's movements and civil society


the imperative of bringing the ecological question on to the centre-stage of politics

Press Release by Janta Parliament (जनता संसद) 18 Aug. 2020

Janta Parliament calls on urgent action for ecological security

Tosamaidan- A zone of peace and resilience in Kashmir (India)

This case study describes and analyses a non-violent movement to save a Himalayan landscape of enormous ecological and livelihood importance,…

Ecology is for the People

Democracy is - citizens governing the country at all levels, most importantly in our gram sabhas and ward sabhas.