Traditional House Restoration in Ladakh

This short video highlights the importance of using local and sustainable methods and materials for construction.

Let The Chamoli Disaster Be The Final Wake Up Call For Our Government

Mountain range being hollowed out in many sections, and substantially disturbed across extensive ranges

An Age Gone Blind

What do ‘development’ or ‘progress’ mean to the family whose sole breadwinner got buried alive in the snowy debris of one of the NTPC tunnels?

A Pulicat Story: The Lagoon That Protects a City

Fisherfolk, naturalists, school children - all asking for the port project to be cancelled.

Sankar and his community dig canals to save Muthupet’s mangroves

Over 3,000 canals spread across 5,000 hectares dug in order to save mangroves that supported the fish on which the community dependes.

Capacity building for water conservation needs: A young mind at work

The community was educated, their trust gained, and constant support provided to them

हरवलेला रास्ता (in Marathi)

सुप्रीम कोर्टाने हा रस्ता वैज्ञानिक आधाराचा अभाव असलेला व पूर्णतः धोकादायक असल्याचा निवाडा दिला

A Road to nowhere

The road was adjudged to be completely unscientific and dangerous.

This Family Did Not Send Their Children to School, but Taught Them by Creating a Forest

They built check-dams in the watershed, dug percolation-pits and mulched heavily to prevent soil erosion and to conserve water.