Self help is the best help – Indigenous farmers stand strong against economic slowdown
An initiative to sell local produce has enabled the farmer groups to access diverse local markets in a decentralized manner

The Peoples’ Biodiversity Register, meant to empower local communities, is leaving them out
"The preparation of PBRs by consultants defeats the whole purpose of having this register. Local people are central...”

How this Kerala doctor-couple is empowering a TN tribal community
To ensure the health of the community in its wider meaning you have to work on farming, watershed management, artisans ...

देसी बीजों की खेती ने भूख से बचाया (in Hindi)
तालाबंदी के कारण जब बाजार बंद थे, रोजगार और पैसों का अभाव था, तब उनको पौष्टिक अनाज व सब्जी बाड़ी से सब्जियां की कमी नहीं हुई।

A Relationship with seeds – the Paataalkot story (a translation)
Dahiya Farming assures nutrition and food security, besides saving agro-biodiversity

Is permaculture a real solution to agricultural distress?
Ensuring food security and diversity of food, seed security, nurturing of the ecosystem and, more importantly, protecting health of communities.

पातालकोट में बीजों की रिश्तेदारी (in Hindi)
दहिया खेती पोष्टिक अनाज के साथ खाद्य सुरक्षा भी करेगी, जैव विविधता भी बचाएगी।

From Lodhi Garden to your dining table: Foraging for food in New Delhi
“Most of the plants dismissed as weeds are edible and we don’t even know it. We walk past them every day ..."

Festival of Uncultivated Food: Weeding out the myths
Edible plants and crops which we ignoramuses tend to dismiss as weeds, are plants that grow without their seeds being sown and alongside other crops.