In a First, a City Frees a River Using Funds Meant To Concretise It
The best way to mitigate flood damage (by rivers) is to let (their) floodplains be(!)
हरवलेला रास्ता (in Marathi)
सुप्रीम कोर्टाने हा रस्ता वैज्ञानिक आधाराचा अभाव असलेला व पूर्णतः धोकादायक असल्याचा निवाडा दिला
A Road to nowhere
The road was adjudged to be completely unscientific and dangerous.
Should Rights for Rivers Be on the Agenda for the 2019 Elections?
While acknowledging that recognising the rights of rivers is necessary, would it also be sufficient to bring about the ethics of caring for them?
For Flowing Rivers: A Prelude
The campaign has come as a lesson on the strength of combined effort: several NGO partners, grassroots groups, and the Forest Department.
Chennai’s complicated relationship with its dying rivers, as chronicled by artists
“This kind of art can make people come to the river, not take it to be just a dirty river but something that you would want to come and see. "
बुंदेलखंड की बंडई नदी का पुनरुज्जीवन – सफलता की कहानी (in Hindi)
बंदई नदी का जल अब क्षेत्र के ५० गावों का जीवन बन चूका है
The nature of belief (in Lepcha language)
As hunger for growth and energy threatens a community of nature worshippers, they point to a different path towards development
The nature of belief
As hunger for growth and energy threatens a community of nature worshippers, they point to a different path towards development