What do the Forest Dwellers Want to Say?
A forest-dwelling community that fosters coexistence and conservation, and practices activism to secure rights as protected under the law.

Community Forest Rights & The Pandemic: Gram Sabhas Lead the Way (in Malayalam)
Empowerment of villagers to govern and manage local natural resources can sustain economies!

मेंढा (लेखा) के श्री. देवाजी तोफा को मानद D.Litt. (in Hindi)
"दिल्ली मुंबई में हमारी सरकार, हमारे गाव में हमही सरकार !"

These Alternative Economies Are Inspirations for a Sustainable World
Approaches to integrate sustainability, equality and diversity, giving everyone, especially the most marginalized, a voice.

Ka Iqbal: My host of Ladakh
Anshul recalls wonderful memories of Ka Iqbal, disability rights activist in Ladakh

Ka Iqbal’s legacy will live on
Kaga Iqbal's huge contribution to the disability sector in Ladakh

D Litt degrees conferred upon Devaji Tofa & Sunil Deshpande
Long overdue recognition for practitioners of traditional knowledge and alternative learning models.

Kerala artistes spread awareness on farmer rights
Samskarika Sahithi has become the first cultural body to come out creatively in support of the striking farmers.

Did You Think the New Laws Were Only About the Farmers?
Theirs is also a defence of the basic structure of the Constitution and of democracy itself.