From abundance to endangerment to revival, Kachchh’s guggal comes a full circle
Local farmers began to grow the guggal—both for economic benefit, as well as for community awareness and involvement in its conservation.

पर्यावरण संवर्धक मत्स्यपालन (In Marathi)
तलावांचे पुनरुज्जीवन करणाऱ्या आणि समुदायांना सशक्त करणाऱ्या उपक्रमाविषयीची कथा

मछली पालन और बदलाव (In Hindi)
एक पहल के बारे में एक कहानी जो झीलों को पुनर्जीवित करती है और समुदायों को सशक्त बनाती है

A citizen’s movement to protect wetlands emerges in Jammu and Kashmir
"... strategies on which catchment area is more yielding, how to remove weeds in springs, how to handle solid waste management in our wetlands etc.,”

Fishing for a Difference
A story about an initiative that revives lakes and empowers communities

Revive springs for water security in Mizoram
The programme has worked to align construction of conservation structures with welfare schemes such as MGNREGA and NRDWP.

An initiative to make native rice, vegetable varieties available to urban consumers
Helping farmers cultivating native varieties to get better prices for their produce by making it available to the greater public

Students are her army
A few hundred students of one or two schools would walk to the lake and water the plants, when money for having them watered ran out.

Hill community was losing touch with its language. Then it turned to Whatsapp
They share stories, poems and songs in Runglwo, giving members a chance to learn and practise the language.