Revival of desi (indigenous) a ‘sine qua non’ for sustainable agriculture in India
Breeders have achieved great success in improving the staple length of desi cotton

Small scale decentralised processing of small millets
Small scale decentralised processing infrastructure is crucial for transforming nutritious small millets from an ‘elite food’ into a ‘mass food’.

Some heritage for your halwa
Black carrots are grown for their health benefits, while the yellow ones are tasty and used to make pickles.

Women conquer climate emergency in Marathwada
Sustainable and diversified agriculture is the only solution to stop deepening India’s agrarian crisis.

Farmer in Andhra Pradesh’s Chittoor scripts success story by growing rain-fed tomato crop
As he cultivated the crop under rain-fed conditions, the produce can be stored for a longer period compared to others.

Switching back to coarse cereals can offer multiple benefits: Study
Food supply can be enhanced by planting more nutritious and environment-friendly crops such as finger and pearl millets and sorghum

Collectivisation of Water
Farmers in Chellapur of Kurnool district have shared their groundwater with their fellow villagers through a groundwater grid

Kutch’s Wagad or Kala cotton: Back from the (almost) dead
Desi cotton could replace a majority of the area that is currently under American cotton, in light of climate change-related weather vagaries...

Needed: A million Recharge Wells
Clean catchments such as rooftops, roads and storm drains could be used to harvest a substantial volume of the city's rainfall.