Let The Chamoli Disaster Be The Final Wake Up Call For Our Government
Mountain range being hollowed out in many sections, and substantially disturbed across extensive ranges

An Age Gone Blind
What do ‘development’ or ‘progress’ mean to the family whose sole breadwinner got buried alive in the snowy debris of one of the NTPC tunnels?

Engineer-Turned-Farmer Harnesses Wind, Solar Energy; 450 Entrepreneurs
... the winds were good between May and October, while in the remaining months the sunlight was strong,

Nagaland Students Setup Mini Hydropower Plant, Power Highway Street Lights
“Project Brighter Khuzama is wholly funded by like-minded locals and not by any governmental organisations."

Faced with today’s crisis, what would Gandhi do?
If we would limit our greed, excessive production, unnecessary consumption, hedonistic travel, and mad transport, ...

Uttarakhand: Reaching the unreached
Development is best done when it is undertaken by the locals.

खेती सुधार अधिनियम २०२० (in Hindi)
किसानों को कैसे बचाया जा सकता है? कृषि उत्पादों के लिए एमआरपी जैसी कम से कम कीमतें जारी करने के जरिये?

Press Release by Janta Parliament (जनता संसद) 18 Aug. 2020
Janta Parliament calls on urgent action for ecological security

Chemistry Nobel Prize has a rural Odisha connection
The Maligaon Solar Micro-Grid is the first instance where a village level electricity generation unit has used Lithium Ferro-Phosphate batteries.