The New Khadi March
A Khadi institution in Assam is a Gandhian by habit, occupation and commitment.

Handmade collective goes online
... to help farmers, weavers, spinners and dyers, who are all part of the cotton value chain and were affected by the pandemic

Tula: A Return to India’s Regenerative Cotton Roots
Tula has a policy of not exporting their fabric or clothing, despite many requests.

સંઘણી: કચ્છી હાથવણાટની ઉઘડતી ક્ષિતિજો – ચાવીરૂપ તારણો અને વિશ્લેષણ (in Gujarati)
કચ્છના વણકર સમુદાયની જીવન અને આજીવિકામાં રૂપાંતરના બહુવિધ પરિમાણો થઈ રહ્યા છે

Sandhani – Weaving Transformations in Kachchh, India: Key Findings and Analysis
The multiple dimensions of transformation taking place in the lives and livelihoods of the weaver community of Kachchh (Gujarat).

Handloom saris produced with natural dyes hit the market
Will all weavers of cooperative societies in Udupi and Dakshina Kannada districts produce Udupi saris with natural dyes?

This khadi collective in a Karnataka village has clients around the world
A diversified Gandhian village economy attempting to train Dalit women and women from other marginalised castes in new remunerative skills

An ancient art is earning modern dividends in Khasi Hills
"Their organic dyes and processing methods have now become an area of study and research for design students”

From the Himalayan mountains to Ocean Blues – Avani to Saagari
Avani's approach is to re-establish the broken link between the natural resource base, the farmer, dyer and weaver, and to nurture it