Traditional House Restoration in Ladakh
This short video highlights the importance of using local and sustainable methods and materials for construction.

देशज् तकनीक से बना मिट्टी का घर (in Hindi)
स्थानीय मिट्टी, पानी और लकड़ी से बना घर बहुत उपयोगी है। इससे सैकड़ों बेघर लोगों के मकान का सपना साकार हो सकता है।

Rolling back the architect
"Each village community is different, so with each village the approach had to change."

Dump the AC, Use These 3 Green Cooling Solutions While Building Your Home!
"Everything we build from now onwards has to be eco-sensitive, energy efficient, cost efficient, people-centred and value-based."

Interview with Indrajeet Misra
Collectively the material created a patchwork quilted vision of yearning, lost childhood and vivid memories powerfully simply evoked by the word ‘land’.

This Couple’s Quest for Natural Living Has Resulted in a Mini Forest and an Energy Efficient Home
The house had to be energy efficient, deeply connected to nature and sustainable.

Warned Not To Enter This Village, He Revived It
It brings me immense satisfaction to think that a little effort from my side along with the collective hard work by everyone has put Suaba village on the path towards holistic development.

Camping Heights
“We want to give visitors a feel of how it is to stay in a forest, or in a village that has not seen electricity..."

To build a House with a Single Bag of Cement
Is it possible to build a house with just a bag of cement? Impossible you say, but not Sourabh Phadke..check his photo story out and how he made it possible!