Farmers Are Building Food Forests to Fight Climate Change, Agrarian Crisis
Mimicking forests, farmers across India have started transforming farms into a layered cropping system - climate resilient and more productive.
Heritage in every grain
"We give each farmer (signing a pledge to use organic methods) two kilos of seed; they bring double the quantity back the next year, ”
Organic Food Is a Topic of Much Debate, but What Does “Eating Organic” Really Mean?
A bottom-up movement is essential therefore to apply pressure on the powers-that-be at least over a period of a few decades.
Why the Fight for Environmental Justice Is Also a Fight for Social Justice
Until you dedicate your life to making socially just decisions, don’t fool yourself that planting one tree a year or riding a bicycle will save the environment.
This Couple’s Quest for Natural Living Has Resulted in a Mini Forest and an Energy Efficient Home
The house had to be energy efficient, deeply connected to nature and sustainable.
निसर्गव्रती हेमाताई (in Marathi)
हेमाताई साने यांच्या पर्यावरणपूरक जीवनशैलीचे समाजातील विविध स्तरांतून कौतुक होत असते ...
सम और विषम से आगे (in Hindi)
'टिकाऊ शहरी परिवहन' को लागू करने से देश को एक रास्ता और हमारे बच्चों को स्वच्छ और सुरक्षित शहर मिल सकता है.
Reduce vehicles, introduce Efficient Public Transport
City needs to put in place strong disincentives (like creating car-free areas) discouraging the use of personal conveyance.
How do you feed thousands of people in Rajasthan without irrigation?
It only needs to rain once, sometime during the southwest monsoon – about 80-100 mm is what the desert farms need to thrive!