Why a community-run Gondi-language school in Gadchiroli is a revolutionary step
It is a symbol of the resolve of the local Gond community to uphold their culture within the bounds of the Constitution, despite official neglect.
What Time is the Nomad?
Talking with Pabubhai, a nomadic pastoralist from the Rabari community in Kachchh, revealed the importance of time and temporality for his life and livelihood.
अच्छी सेहत के लिए साइकिल जरूरी (In Hindi)
साइकिल एक बहु उपयोगी वाहन है। इसकी उपयोगिता कई रचनात्मक कामों में भी सामने आती रही है।
A School of One’s Own
Manzil Learning Center is reimagining education and accessibility through democratizing decision making spaces.
याराना ए सरमोली (In Hindi)
हिमल कलासूत्र उत्सव प्रकृति से दोस्ती और पक्षियों से पहचान की एक शानदार पहल रही.
क्या जैव विविधता राजनीति विज्ञान की शिक्षक बन सकती है? (In Hindi)
एक खोज - स्थानीय जैव विविधता में स्थापित शिक्षा कैसे मनुष्यों के बीच समानता, विविधता और समावेशिता के मूल्यों को गहरा कर सकती है|
The art of foraging: How indigenous people can be the influencers we need
Foraging, which is a part of the received wisdom of many indigenous communities, can offer a sustainable solution to the inevitable food crisis.
Rebuilding the fourth pillar of democracy
A graphic narrative to show how the medium can be revolutionised to dismantle the power and privilege of corporate-owned and government-controlled media.
‘Our identity lies in these songs’: saving the music of India’s Biate
Goswami said the festival performance was just the beginning for the project, and the main focus was getting “this generational transfer of knowledge going once again”.