Switching back to coarse cereals can offer multiple benefits: Study
Food supply can be enhanced by planting more nutritious and environment-friendly crops such as finger and pearl millets and sorghum
India’s water problem has a simple solution
Reducing its use in agriculture is the most effective way of solving India’s water problem.
Transforming livelihoods through farm ponds
Farm ponds aid in superior water control through the harvesting of rainfall, surface run-off and subsurface flows.
Water conservation fee: improving or increasing the crisis?
Merely imposing a cost to curb the growing extraction is not enough.
How an army of women in Vellore resurrected a river that once served as their lifeline
A small team of women build 600 wells to revive a dead river!
Re-reading Tagore to Become Human
"... we are all willing to pay a premium to experience natural surroundings which offer nutriment to the soul"
Ensure Irrigation Water for 15,000 Villagers
When the irrigation lake developed a breach, poor farmers in Surendranagar (Gujarat) took it upon themselves to save it.
Bio-diverse crops is the way forward in Telangana
A small farmer from Medak has made a handsome income growing millets, oilseeds and pulses – without any irrigation source or borewell.
Push irrigation, not dams
We can add millions of hectares to irrigated land without building a single new dam. We just need to adopt a different method of managing the water already stored in them.