Gross family happiness, the farm living way
I started feeling that my economic needs (including my wants and desires) are not unlimited.
How to Save Forest Culture? ‘Silent’ Battle by Odisha’s Kondhs is The Right Lesson
The men, women and children from every family worked on a war footing to replant, restore and replenish the beauty of their aboriginal mother – the jungle.
Re-Storing Hope
People had more than enough things to spare and these items could find a new life - an excellent channel for reuse and recycle.
From ‘Tent Nazir’ to ‘RTI Nazir’: Towards governance accountability in Kashmir, India
His passion for making the system accountable, through the dogged use of the RTI Act, takes up much of his time.
Combating Desertification: Maharashtra’s Vanvadi Bears Testimony to Magic of Forest Regeneration
Regenerating forests, rejuvenating soils, recharging groundwater, and reviving human spirits, all go hand in hand!
समता, न्याय और सातत्यता की तरफ भारत: एक जन घोषणापत्र – फरवरी, 2019 (in Hindi)
आगामी राष्ट्रीय चुनावों के संबंध में राजनीतिक दलों को भेजा गया ...
People’s Manifesto For a Just, Equitable, and Sustainable India (2019)
Sent to political parties in relation to the upcoming national elections...
The Handmade Symposium
Part of the shift towards lesser dependence on machine technology - a planned, self-motivated and civilized way of rebuilding the current system.
How skateboarding brings social change in Madhya Pradesh village
The skatepark had just two rules—“Girls first” and “No school, no skateboarding”—the rest was left up to the kids.