Socio-political and environmental dynamics of Manipur’s Loktak Ramsar site

Scientists studying the ecological profile of the lake say that many species of native plants, fishes and other invertebrates have steadily declined

Interlinking of rivers could flood India’s freshwater with invasive fish

Scientists are urging for careful assessments and policy changes amidst global concern about invasive species and their effects on freshwater ecosystems.

Declining bird populations are a ‘grim’ reminder of rapid biodiversity loss, says new report

Targeted, systematic, periodic monitoring of bird populations and using consistent methods can help species management.

Statement and Appeal on Ladakh’s Constitutional Status

We strongly support the demand by the people of Ladakh, that the Government of India include Ladakh in the Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution and accord it statehood

The New Khadi March

A Khadi institution in Assam is a Gandhian by habit, occupation and commitment.

River Walks, Mutual Aid and Open Futures

As we move ahead trying to resolve our challenges with a changing planet, mutual aid and attribution may be our keys to an equitable future.

Restoring Indian grasslands does not require disturbing soil and planting grasses, but more science

Grassland productivity is driven by rainfall, not by the absence of soil fertility or the need for ‘improved grass varieties.

Bringing Women to the Forefront of Sustainable Mountain Ecosystems

“Women play a key role in nature conservation, yet they often lack the inputs, technologies, training and extension services, and various enablers and linkages that can enhance the effectiveness of their efforts."

पेड़ लगानेवाली महिलाएं (in Hindi)

वनों की सुरक्षा के साथ आजीविका की सुरक्षा व पोषण व खाद्य सुरक्षा भी होगी