
Opposing Perspectives on the CPCB Revised Immersion Guidelines and the legal search for a balanced view.

This Unique Mud Hotel Harvests Rain, Has No ACs & Runs on the Sun

"In the future, even if the building is being demolished, I wanted to ensure that the materials would become one with the earth again,” says Lokesh, Founder of Hotel Sunyata

Ranchi shows how India’s biggest cycling lessons lie in its smaller cities

Ranchi has taken critical and innovative steps that can be adopted locally by the bigger cities that are looking at turning to cycling for transport.

पर्यावरण-स्नेही प्राकृतिक खेती (in Hindi)

प्राकृतिक खेती, एक टिकाऊ जीवन पद्धति है, जिससे अनाज, फल, सब्जियां, ईंधन,चारा तो मिलता ही है, मिट्टी-पानी व जैव विविधता का संरक्षण भी हो रहा है।

Delhi Govt schools monetise solar power, expect to earn Rs 8.5 crore and save Rs 8.8 crore on bills!

Delhi schools are taking up this opportunity to generate green energy and improve their finances.

What you can repair is what you own

The right to enjoy, manage and alienate his belonging, be it movable or immovable - ‘If you can’t fix it, you don’t own it.’

Knitting, sketching, handicrafts — quarantine’s a vacation in this Nagaland village

This picturesquely located quarantine centre comprises 14 bamboo huts, a rainwater harvesting system, and a hearth to make tea

This town in Kerala has set its sights on becoming India’s first carbon-neutral panchayat

We tried to find out how much greenhouse gases are being emitted within the panchayat boundaries.

3R Bazar

Within months it had collected and sold items generating Rs 75K in revenue, which proves the concept ... in a small town like Ujjain.