How environmentalist Jibi Pulu is using ecotourism to turn Mishmi tribe conservationists
“For centuries, the indigenous people have been living in harmony with nature. In our culture, we do hunt but for our sustenance and we do not sell meat,” he says.
Elopa and Etugu villagers declare ancestral land as community conserved area
The state government is working with the Centre on a legal framework to allow the state’s tribal communities to gain legal land rights over their customary land.
Defenders Of The Forest: How Forest Dwelling-Communities Of Gondia Are Regenerating Forests
"We know for a fact that if our forests are saved, our future generation is safe."
How a tribal village in Damoh fought for its land and rejuvenated it
About 25,000 people participated in the Yatra, marching from Gwalior to Delhi to make a statement about their Forest Rights.
Removing forest dwellers from areas to protect biodiversity costs more than involving them: report
"... Such examples of realising economic benefits have a direct positive impact on forest growth,”
India needs a rainbow recovery plan
... sustainable livelihoods, to be built on regenerating and safeguarding the soil, natural ecosystems, water, biological diversity, and air.
Reimagining Wellbeing: Villages opening spaces for Self-Governance
resisting mining ... and moving towards social, political, economic and ecological transformation
Tosamaidan- A zone of peace and resilience in Kashmir (India)
This case study describes and analyses a non-violent movement to save a Himalayan landscape of enormous ecological and livelihood importance,…
Gogabeel is Bihar’s first community reserve
The whole community around Gogabeel supported every move to declare it as a reserve for birds and biodiversity.