NAPM National Convention – (Hyderabad, 1st to 4th March, 2025) / एन.ए.पी.एम राष्ट्रीय अधिवेशन (हैदराबाद,1 से 4 मार्च, 2025)
1 March @ 8:00 am – 4 March @ 5:00 pm IST
Marking 30 Years of Transformative Journeys
Invite to 30th Year: All-India Convention of theNational Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM)DEFENDING DEMOCRACY: CONSTITUTIONAL JUSTICE TO CLIMATE JUSTICE
1st to 4th March, 2025 | Exhibition Grounds, Nampally, Hyderabad (Telangana)
Dear friends,
Zindabad! As we complete 30 years of our significant and transformative journeys with the National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM), we are delighted to invite you to the All-India Convention of NAPM, to be held at Exhibition Grounds, Nampally, Hyderabad (Telangana) from 1st to 4th March, 2025. This is an appeal to progressive people’s movements, organizations, citizens, supporters of NAPM across India to participate in this important Convention. Kindly read this invite, book your tickets urgently and communicate the same, by filling in this google form, with all details. https://forms.gle/iZbbtf1dJkbr1LDH7. Please plan to arrive on 28th Feb night and depart on 4th March night.
The 30th year National Convention would be an occasion for all of us from across India to gather and re-affirm our commitment to the core values of secularism, social justice and equity, as enshrined in our Constitution. The Convention would be an important space for looking back at the important journey of NAPM over 3 decades, engage in ideological reflections, lend solidarity to numerous people’s movements across India and chart out an organisational roadmap for the future of NAPM. We would also lend support to democratic movements of Telangana, which marks a decade of its statehood.
Over the past three decades, there have been some fundamental shifts in the socio-political, economic and cultural landscape of India. However, many challenges before common people and progressive movements, remain the same, when we started off 30 years ago; or have rather intensified further. Both at the national and international level, fascist tendencies, corporate crimes, economic inequities, climate crisis, war and genocidal violence have been on the rise. There have been equally powerful people’s resistances and push-backs to defend democracy, safeguard ecology, grassroots communities and human rights.
Notably, NAPM started off its journey in the early 90s, responding to the then crisis of majoritarianism and liberalization. Today, we witness that, despite the efforts of numerous progressive movements over prolonged time, the challenges of fascism and fundamentalism, corporate loot, state takeover of institutions, dilution of pro-people’s laws and imposition of draconian laws, patriarchal, religious and caste-based onslaughts and discriminations have increased manyfold. Hard-earned gains of people’s movements are now sought to be systematically dismantled and rolled back by regressive socio-political forces.
The past decade, in particular, has seen repression and clampdown on people’s movements and democratic voices, on an unprecedented scale. The BJP-RSS regime has infact engineered a frontal attack on the Constitution itself, including its foundations of federalism, social justice, secularism, socialist approach etc. In regions like Jammu and Kashmir and Manipur, BJP has inflicted untold damage through its drastic interventions and (anti) social engineering. Decisions like demonetization and unplanned covid lockdown wreaked havoc on the lives of millions, especially the working class. Crisis of unemployment, distress migration, widening wealth gap, attacks on diversity, pluralism, curtailment of independent media, gendered crimes, persecution of minorities has only become worse.
However, it is also true that massive movements of farmers, workers, adivasis, dalits, youth, students, women, minorities etc across India have repeatedly challenged the State and regressive forces. Numerous organized efforts over the past 5 years in particular, put a speed-breaker to the BJP’s chariot, as reflected in the reduced mandate in the Lok Sabha 2024 election results and strengthening of the political opposition within the Parliament. Despite this, we continue to witness the NDA Govt’s anti-people, anti-nature approach, as seen in the recent decisions such as Union budget, enactment of three criminal laws, pushing of anti-worker labour codes etc. Multiple state assembly elections are due this year & early next year and people’s movements, campaigns have been working hard to ensure that political forces that threaten the Constitution are debilitated at the hustings. Overall, a lot of work has been happening, needs to happen on the front of different movements and coalitions. As autonomous people’s movements we face the twin challenge of having to confront the BJP as well as other mainstream parties and governments in power, for their anti-people, anti-ecology decisions.
Through these decades, NAPM has been an important epicentre and confluence of learning and action for a cross-section of movements that believe in a truly equitable, just world, based on principles of democracy, solidarity and inclusion. The range of movements, campaigns, organizations that have co-journeyed include agrarian & workers movements, anti-displacement struggles, social and ecological justice movements, human rights movements, feminist, youth, minority, anti-caste movements, movements for transparency, accountability as well as for the right to food, work, education, health care, social security etc.
Many of us who were part of the last National Convention (25 Years of NAPM) at Puri, Odisha (Nov’2019), five years back, would recall the strength of this diversity. Due to the covid pandemic and being involved in other ongoing movements (such as historic farmers’ movement), our National Convention got delayed. However, during this period, we had four important and reflective two-day national meets at Mumbai (Jan’2020), Bhopal (June’2022), Pune (Feb’2023) and Nagpur (March’24). Additionally, during the years 2020-23 we had some important campaigns and meetings including We Shall Speak, Jan Azadi Abhiyan, Nafrat Chodo Samvidhan Bachao Abhiyan as well as online series such as Grounded Voices and Yuva Samvad, with 180 + episodes and upto 1,000 movement speakers from across India. We have also been part of other joint campaigns / efforts including Samyukt Kisan Morcha, Bhumi Adhikar Andolan, Right to Food Campaign, NREGA Sangharsh Morcha, anti-state repression campaigns, India Social Forum etc. at national level and many efforts at state-level.
As we observe our 30th year and with a vision-towards long term movement-alliance-building, NAPM organized important national meetings leading to the formation / activation of the NAPM River Valleys Forum (Hoshangabad, April’23); All India Health Rights Campaign (Varanasi, July’23), National Alliance of Agrarian Communities (Hyderabad, July’23), All India Feminist Alliance (Pune, Oct’23), National Alliance for Justice, Accountability and Rights (Kolkata, Nov’23), NAPM Urban Struggles Forum (Mumbai’ Jan 2024) and All India Inquilabi Youth and Students Alliance (Ludhiana, Feb’24). Similar efforts for workers rights, climate justice and cultural resistance are also underway. All these forum-processes have been intense, significant and enabled us to involve numerous people and groups, towards organized, long-term and collective thinking and action.
We see the 30th year National Convention as well as the months preceding the Convention, as an important phase and opportunity for healthy ideological churning, strengthening and streamlining organizational, state processes & state chapters of NAPM, planning ahead and building wider collaborations for socio-economic, ecological justice, safeguarding democratic and constitutional values. While few states like Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Tamil Nadu have had state conventions / conferences since last year, many other states are yet to have their conventions. It is important to plan and complete these meetings / processes before the National Convention and participate in the National Convention with that preparation and strength.
Additionally, we will make detailed plans at the National Convention to figure out a long-term roadmap for NAPM, lend active and sustained solidarity to different ongoing movements & campaigns and elect a new and dynamic National Team. Your presence is very significant to have fruitful discussions on all these aspects. Kindly make your travel plans immediately and keep us informed. Looking forward to seeing you in Hyderabad for constructive and collective discussions, leading to substantive and meaningful actions.
In solidarity,
NAPM National Working Group
Contact: 7054055393, 9701705743, 7337478993 / 9919664444 E-mail: [email protected]

Note: Please note that you are required to self-fund and organize your own travel for participating in the Convention. The Telangana Organizing Team and NAPM National Team shall try to ensure simple food and stay. The Convention venue is very close to the Nampally / Hyderabad Railway Station.
व्यवस्था नोट: कृपया ध्यान दें कि अधिवेशन में भाग लेने के लिए आपको स्वयं खर्चे पे, अपनी यात्रा का आयोजन करना होगा। तेलंगाना आयोजन टीम और एन.ए.पी.एम राष्ट्रीय टीम सादा भोजन और रहने की व्यवस्था सुनिश्चित करने का प्रयास करेगी।अधिवेशन स्थल नामपल्ली/हैदराबाद रेलवे स्टेशन के बहुत करीब है।
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