DLRC, The Learning Farm!

Come together, rethink and take charge of our education, and become kind and active members of the world.

Lord Ram and His not very Humble Abode

Does the grand Ayodhya temple ceremony ensure that the common Indian will find Ram in this temple?

India Today: A Land of Paradox

...about raising awareness re. the Constitution and Constitutional values of liberty, equality, fraternity, pluralism and secularism.

समता, न्याय और सातत्यता की तरफ भारत: एक जन घोषणापत्र – फरवरी, 2019 (in Hindi)

आगामी राष्ट्रीय चुनावों के संबंध में राजनीतिक दलों को भेजा गया ...

The only Disability may be bad attitude

Unfortunately, Prime Minister Modi is not alone in using terms that turn various disabilities into slurs

Recrafting Indian education

Will our children thank us for equipping them well for a future that is unclear?

People’s Manifesto For a Just, Equitable, and Sustainable India (2019)

Sent to political parties in relation to the upcoming national elections...

A brand new yarn: The return of handloom weaving in Kutch

Of renewed interest in weaving and about its allure in terms of economics, culture, identity, dignity, convenience, social ties, and innovation.

Dissolution of traditional Adivasi structures for modernity

"There are a lot of lessons to be learnt from Adivasi communities, which have an equitable structure and provide opportunities for everyone to grow.”